Literature Nobel laureate (1929) Thomas Mann participated in such spiritualist sessions of esotericists, where e.g. contact was made with the dead, who could momentarily "appear" as ghosts when summoned by the psychic. In particular, Madame Blavatsky's Followers, i.e. theosophy enthusiasts, actively held these sessions 100 years ago. Many Finnish artists were also enthusiastic about them. In Mann's 1923 published book Okkulte Erlebnis he expressed his beliefs in mystic reality based on the spiritualistic sessions he joined in Munich.
I have written a religious treatise matured over more than 30 years about the birth of the neo-old Kabbalistic religion, i.e. natural pantheism, nested in the upper layers of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Club of Rome, which was published on the Catholic Postil platform last February. The appearance of this neo-old Kabbalistic religion has changed from old beliefs in the ghosts of the spirit world and the miracles of spiritualist sessions to transhumanist scifi beliefs with non-carbon-based machine people and microchips installed in the brains of ordinary people and to the remarkable and bizarre worship of Mother Earth with shamans practiced at the UN environmental meetings and now at the opening of the 2024 Davos meeting.
The aspiration is for eternal world power through the population exchange of Western countries
The masters of the WEF and the Club of Rome need this new-old Kabbalistic religion dressed in new clothes to support their world domination efforts. Christian church fathers such as the Pope and our own lutheran (arch)bishops have blessed the basic premises of this deeply anti-Christian religion, i.e. the climate crisis, the loss of nature and the oppression of minorities caused by the "dominion" of the white straight man. For this, the fossil-based energy economy must be destroyed, large amounts of nature must be restored, and non-white people must be allowed to immigrate freely to Europe and North America, so that the lords of Davos and the red-green "liberal" politicians who support identity politics in the West can gain supremacy forever with the help of immigrants.
This vision of eternal power is dangerously reminiscent of the thousand-year dream of the Nazi Third Reich, which ended up lasting 12 years, because if the economy is destroyed and the masses from poor countries move to Western countries, how will we get food for everyone? Maybe there's a plan for us useless people, as Klaus Schwab's top lieutenant Yuval Harari in his Homo Deus book apparently puts it. Indeed, according to James Lindsey's recent lecture, in his letter in 1999 to UN Secretary General, Robert Muller - the top theosoph in the United Nations - is excited that after the "transformation" starting from year 2021, the new global regime will last for thousand years.
The events of Thomas Mann's mystical book The Magic Mountain take place in the current Schatzalp mountain hotel located in Davos
There is one important and exciting aspect related to this hoax religion that I have yet to share publicly. I don't think anyone in the whole world has written that out in the open. It is related to Thomas Mann's world famous book Magic Mountain published in 1924 and the tuberculosis sanatorium located in Magic Mountain in Davos at the beginning of the last century, where, according to Wikipedia, a luxury mountain hotel called Schatzalp has been operating since 1953. The mountain hotel Schatzalp, which is therefore located on the Magic Mountain, can be reached from Davos by funicular.
According to the literary researcher Peter Bien and also the Encyclopedia mentioned in the references below, Thomas Mann belongs to the great realists of the 19th century such as Balzac, Tolstoy and Stendahl. Mann gained a reputation as a realistic writer especially from writing the epic Lübeck family chronicle published in 1901 called Buddenbrook, which became popular right after it was published. Mann finished writing Buddenbrook at the age of 26. For this work, Mann was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1929.
In his 1923 book Okkulte Erlebnis Thomas Mann confessed his belief in the occult
In the year before the book Magic Mountain was published, Thomas Mann wrote a very little cited book called Okkulte Erlebnis, in which he confessed his belief in spiritualism, i.e. spirituality, spiritism and spirit beings (e.g. ghosts). At that time, it was also fashionable among Finnish artists to be a spiritualist and participate in these humbug sessions, where e.g. with help of a psychic they contacted the dead or moved objects by force of will. Before writing Magic Mountain in the early 1920’s, Thomas Mann had attended three such sessions in Munich and was convinced that he had seen the wonders of the spirit world at these sessions.
In the Magic Mountain, its main character Hans Castorp wanders into the aforementioned Schatzalp hotel, i.e. the tuberculosis sanatorium at the time, for no less than seven years to ponder life and death and argue with different people about politics and philosophy. In real life, his wife had been there for treatment. Because of this, Mann was able to empathize naturally in the milieu of the sanatorium and its patients. In the book's occult scenes, the ghost of a person named Joachim Ziesse appears realistically to the book's characters, and the new X-rays discovered by science are able, according to contemporary fashion, to mysteriously illuminate the human soul and spirit after death.
Literary researcher Peter Bien marvels at the mysticism of Magic Mountain, because Thomas Mann is considered a great realist of the 19th Century
In his essay Thomas Mann's Ghost in Der Zauberberg, literary researcher Peter Bien marvels at the book's occult features and makes, for example the question, is Thomas Mann deceiving the readers because the book and later literary criticism imply that the scenes in question are only artistic expedients and is Thomas Mann a great realist or a mystic after all?
Be that as it may, according to his own words, Thomas Mann was convinced in the early 1920s of the fashionable spiritual world and e.g. about the reality of ghosts, which Peter Bien, like this blogger, considers to be the fantastic beliefs of a very small number of people. However, they have a huge influence in the world, as I have shown in my Postil essay.
For all of the above, I find it highly unlikely, due to Klaus Schwab's own occult pursuits, that Schwab would have chosen Davos as the venue for the World Economic Forum meetings by chance. It is also no coincidence, that Schwab likes to host his most distinguished guests at the Schatzalp hotel in a private manner. The hotel boasts in its advertising that the events of Magic Mountain took place in the hotel.
Since 1937, the Schatzalp hotel was a retreat for high-ranking Nazi bosses
Klaus Schwab's father, Eugen Schwab (1899-1982), was a Swiss industrialist who was called in Ravensburg, Southern Germany, to run a factory called Escher Wyss after the mid-1930s, which produced turbines and military equipment for the Nazi German army. Escher Wyss used slave labor in its production.
Contrary to the Schatzalp's official account, according to Wikipedia and Lewis H. Hapman, the hotel was, from 1937, a retreat for high-ranking Nazi officers. I don't think it is at all impossible that son Klaus, who was born in Ravensburg in 1938, would have visited Magic Mountain's Schatzalp hotel with his family during the war? Perhaps, from these visits he would have had good childhood memories, which could have further influenced the fact that Magic Mountain became the venue for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum?
Paunio M. World Economic Forum is a Dangerous Religious Cult.
Lindsey J. The Occult theosophy of the United Nations. 17:30 onwards
The shaman during the opening seremony of the World Economic Forum meeting with a bizarre Mother Earth worship ritual.
Description of the fashionable spiritualism hobby of the 1920s.
A German parapsychologist reveals Thomas Mann's beliefs in mysticism based on the testimonies he saw in three spiritualist sessions. Thomas_Mann_und_die_Parapsychologie_Im_R.pdf “On the opening day of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in January 2023, some 50 leaders including Klaus Schwab, head of the WEF, Antonio Neri, the CEO of Hewlett-Packard, US senators Joe Manchin, Chris Coons and Kyrsten Sinema and Georgia governor Brian Kemp, met together for a private lunch in the Bell Epoque restaurant of the hotel.”
This encyclopedia describes Thomas Mann as relying on 19th-century realism, but his style in Magic Mountain is enhanced with "symbolism".
A person named Lewis H. Hapman, who visited the Davos retreats, writes sarcastically about the Davos meeting and about the Schatzalp hotel, e.g. revealing it to have been a retreat for high-ranking Nazi officers.
"Local magistrate Moses Silberroth tried to welcome groups of Jewish children but the project was blocked by the local authorities, who preferred to see the former Nazi HQ building in Davos quickly converted into a hotel rather than house children waiting to go to Palestine."
Literary researcher Peter Bienin's essay, in which he updates Mann's mysticism and, like the German parapsychologist mentioned above, presents Mann's own confessions of faith in the spirit world "Thomas Mann's Ghost in Der Zauberberg".
Dutchman J van Dijck's article "X-rays between art and science in The Magic Mountain" about how Thomas Mann treats X-rays mysteriously according to the spirit of the times in his book Magic Mountain.
Kirjoittaja on helsinkiläinen terveydenhuollon erikoislääkäri ja Helsingin yliopiston epidemiologian dosentti. Hän oli SDP:n jäsen vuodesta 1977, kunnes liittyi Perussuomalaisiin 2021. Hänen työnantajiaan on vuosien varrella olleet mm. Helsingin yliopisto, Euroopan Unionin komissio ja Maailmanpankki.
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